Jean Reddemann
Women Have Always Gathered On The Full Moon To Celebrate Being Women.
During a Full Moon Circle Jean will share the influence of that months Full Moon.
We explore how all women can utilize this influence. We will reconnect with the teachings of the
Native American women regarding our connection with Grandmother Moon.
By expanding our awareness of the current month, season and this specific time in our life
we move forward with greater understanding and strength.
A Full Moon Circle is a time of learning, growing, support and prayer.
Join us as we again create the ancient sacred
"Circle of Women."
Full Moon Circles
We gather to honor
being women.
We gather to honor
the harvest of our lives.
As our circle of women has grown over the years we
have established a community, not just a gathering.
It is our desire to continue to build upon these relationships
by spending more time with each other as a community.
Starting this January those who are able are welcome to
join the circle from 5:30 - 6:30 for a pot luck dinner.
This will be followed by our monthly Full Moon Circle from
6:30 - 8:00.