Jean Reddemann
Spiritual Therapist
Indigenous Healer
Jean walks with the teachings of the Indigenous Women of North America.
Known as a "Seer", she was born with healing and spiritual gifts. An ability to assist others through the use of Spiritual Guidance and Communication. The way of the Seer is a road walked daily, honoring that the Creator created all things. It is not a religion, but a way of living life. From starting each day in gratitude and making offerings to the Creator and Mother Earth, to giving thanks for all that we receive each day.
There are traditional teachings that prepare us to walk through life with spiritual practice.
Some of these practices are the offering of tobacco, the making of a spirit plate and the smudging of our homes. By keeping these spiritual practices intact in our daily lives we come into harmony with ourselves and all creation. When one can understand the importance of those that dwell within the water, the four legged of the earth, winged creatures, the plant people, even the rock beings, then one can begin to realize the significance of a oneness with all things. From this knowledge we connect ourselves to the sacredness of all that is.
Jean was told by her elders at an young age that she would grow to help people and become a teacher. The teachings of "The People" include ceremony which Jean conducts and others she participates in. Teaching others there own spiritual sacredness and assisting others to claim and better understand their life purpose is a sacred trust. Through the use of ceremony, classes, workshops, retreats and speaking engagements she is able to fulfill an important part of this obligation. She also assists others on their personal journey during private consultations and healing sessions.
The importance of keeping all ancient ceremonies traditional and sacred is a priority in her teachings. It is important to keep the ancient ceremony alive for the generations to come. Holding these teachings and disciplines in a sacred manner assures us all that this way will never be lost.